Ngày 01/04/2022

  1. Nhan V. Nguyen, Le Ba Vinh,Thanh-Trung Vo(2021),Load-sharing mechanism of piled-raft foundation: a numerical study,European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering,

  2. Trung K. Do(2021),Corporate social responsibility and default risk: International evidence,

  3. Trung K. Do, Anh-Tuan Le (2021),Shareholder litigation rights and labor investment efficiency,

  4. Trung K. Do(2021),Shareholder litigation rights and corporate payout policy: Evidence from universal demand laws,

  5. curse or rentier peace? The impact of natural resource rents on military expenditure,(2021),Trung K. Do

  6. Thanh-Trung Vo(2021),Scaling behavior of the tensile strength of viscocohesive granular aggregates,

  7. Thanh-Trung Vo,Cuong T. Nguyen, Trung-Kien Nguyen, Van My Nguyen, Thi Lo Vu(2021),Impact dynamics and power-law scaling behavior of wet agglomerates,

  8. Thanh-Trung Vo, Thi Lo Vu , P. Mutabaruka(2021),Effects of size polydispersity on segregation of spherical particles in rotating drum,

  9. Thanh-Trung Vo,Cuong T. Nguyen(2021),Characteristics of force transmission in cohesive agglomerates impacting a rigid surface,

  10. Le Thi Minh Huong(2021),The contagion between stock markets: evidence from Vietnam and Asian emerging stocks in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic,

  11. Pham, V.D.,Hao Do, P., Le, D.T., Kirichek, R. (2021). LoRa Link Quality Estimation Based on Support Vector Machine. In: Vishnevskiy, V.M., Samouylov, K.E., Kozyrev, D.V. (eds) Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications. DCCN 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13144. Springer, Cham,

  12. Huyen, Nguyen Thi Thu(2021).The connection between digital packaging and Vietnamese culture,AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2406, Issue 1,

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